Reckless Road Book Signing
I spent the day recording guitars on the Mitch Perry Project at a studio in North Hollywood. The day went well and we wrapped up around eight in the evening.
I had promised Mark Canter that if we knocked off early enough I would try and make it out to the Guitar Center in Northridge for his book signing. Mark wrote and put together Reckless Road, the story of Guns N’ Roses, the early years. As Slash’s best friend, Mark had access to the band and an opportunity to photograph them as only few have ever seen before now. The book is very well written and includes a comprehensive gallery of photos. I rarely contribute to interviews regarding the band but Mark’s integrity speaks volumes about the content of the book and how he handled my contributions.
As I approached the Guitar Center I was startled by the size of the event. The parking lot was ablaze in lights and Slash had just finished his sessions conversation sponsored by GC. After some finagling I made it inside to find that the book signing had already begun. Tables were put together in a U shape with the characters from the band’s past sitting, signing autographs. Most of the characters I knew, but a few I had never met before. Slash and Mark headed up the line joined by Tom Zutaut, Ronnie Schneider, Vicky Hamilton, Adriana Durgan, (she had the most interesting signature besides Slash), Jason Porath and others.
There was word that Steven would show and sure enough he did. He was allowed to leave rehab for a few hours and his handlers had him on a strict timeline. I haven’t seen Steve in at least ten years and I didn’t quite know what to expect. All of the guys have changed but Steven probably most of all. I know he’s struggling with his demons, he always has, but I wish him the best and hope he comes through this a better person.
I’ve never been comfortable in the spotlight, which is why I decided to become a record producer instead of an artist. Signing books for almost two solid hours was my limit. After I stopped Slash and Mark continued on for over an hour as I headed home.